Next Steps Support Services is here to help young people aged 16-18 spread their wings and step into independent living, supported by a team of professionals who love what they do.
Our senior leadership team, including our Nominated Individual, Registered Service Manager and Manager of Childcare Operations, possess extensive knowledge of the care system and the passion to make a real impact on the lives of young people. Find out more about them here!
Supported accommodation
Our homes provide 24/7 support within a safe and happy environment where young people can build essential life skills — whether that’s learning to budget, cooking up tasty meals, or preparing for a job interview. Every support package is tailored to meet the individuals' needs, goals and preferences.
Whether a young person is identified as a care leaver, at risk of homelessness, or if there is a risk of harm in their current environment, we offer accommodation services that will support their physical and emotional wellbeing.
Our secure accommodation is Ofsted-registered, offering a bespoke service in the North West for each young person we support.
Supported accommodation or children's residential services?
We understand that young people will dip in and out of support at different times in their life, and while we are committed to preparing our Young People for adult living through modelling behaviour and targeted keywork sessions, we ensure their home is friendly, welcoming and a place of mutual respect and understanding.
Unlike a traditional children's residential setting, our supported accommodation exclusively homes 16-18 year olds who are emotionally ready to start their transition into independent living.
We know that some young people often struggle to manage independently once support is withdrawn, leading a child at risk to return to local authority care post-18.
Our unique service model, including our comprehensive life skills programme, ensures that our young people do not face this setback.
The homely environment across our service encourages positive mental health and fostering the creativity of our young people, as well as their career development and independent living skills. A longer-term approach informs their pathway plan, preparing our young people with an individual plan for adult living.
If you are looking for the right support and accommodation for a child who’s needs are best met in residential care, please contact our Next Steps team.
How we provide support
Although many young people may require some initial level of care for the first few weeks, our intensive support package quickly sets them on the path to independence.
Through targeted keywork sessions, we work with each individual on our own Independence Plan to provide measurable outcomes on their progress to living independently.
- Safe and secure environment. Our range of two-three bedded homes offer a nurturing and happy environment to live in, with staff available 24/7 to provide support and guidance.
- Personal Growth. We listen closely to our young people and focus on their individual development, taking into account their needs and aspirations, helping them build confidence and emotional health.
- Educational Support. We will help with their educational or employment journey, including help to succeed in an interview.
- Community and Social Activities. Our young people will have the chance to take part in a variety of activities from sports to creative arts – they decide, we will provide!
- Training For Employment. We have access to The Big Initiative and can provide our young people with many online qualifications, such as Food Hygiene and Safeguarding. We will also help them apply for a CSCS card if they are looking for a manual apprenticeship.
Make a referral
If you would like to get in touch, please head to our Make a Referral form or contact us directly at