Supported Accommodation

Our Four Step Process

Helping Young People: Our Easy Referral Process


Personalised Assessment


Skills Development


Gradual Responsibility


Independent Living Support

Find out about each step

Our Easy Referral Process

Next Steps Support Services provides tailored supported accommodation for young people, including care leavers and unaccompanied minors. Our four-stage model focuses on personalised care: starting with an initial assessment, followed by building essential life skills, progressing to gradual responsibility, and finally transitioning into full independence. Each stage is designed to empower young people with the confidence and abilities they need to succeed in their future.

We begin by understanding each young person’s unique needs and background. Our team conducts a thorough assessment to create an individualised care plan, ensuring the right support from the start.

In this phase, we focus on building essential life skills, from budgeting to cooking and personal care. These skills are crucial for everyday independence.

As progress is made, we introduce more responsibility, supporting individuals in taking charge of their daily tasks while being there for guidance when needed.

This stage marks the full transition to independence, whether it involves securing housing, moving back to family, or transitioning to another chosen environment. During the early stages of independence, we offer minimal mentoring support to help ease the adjustment, ensuring they feel confident as they step into this new chapter.

If you feel our intensive support placement provisions would benefit a young person you work with and would like to make a referral please get in touch.